Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Click on the link below and submit your entries. After receiving your submission, Lauren Wilson will send you an Excel spreadsheet with your entries so you can add or delete entries and double check name spelling. You can use the "Comments" box on that spreadsheet for any necessary comments of course, but FOR SURE use it to give us the names of students who are trying out on multiple instruments!!!! That will make things go smoother the night of auditions! Thanks! 
Here's the link:

Or click on the tab for HS District Band Entries on the Home Page.

The entry fee is $10 per audition and is due on or before November 1, 2016.  Please make checks payable to "SCMMEA" or bring cash.   You will also need to include $10 per school for the Ernie Pratt Scholarship. This will be awarded to a senior District Band member the night of the concert.  Nominations for the John East Mentor Award will be done at a later time.  An email will be sent regarding the new nomination process.  
District Band Auditions are November 1st, at Marshfield Jr. High School. Deadline for submitting entries is October 28th.. After this time, you can delete, but you cannot add students for audition. Deadline for deletions is midnight, October 31st. After that time, you will be charged for the number of students entered regardless of how many show up to auditions. You will receive an email with an invoice form to fill out and turn into your school district's bookkeeper.
After you submit your entries, you will receive an Excel spreadsheet you can edit to correct spellings, add and delete students. Keep in mind that the name spellings on the entry submission form are the spellings that will go in the printed concert program.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

See your specific area tabs for updates...
I will have more posted as Jr. High and Elementary events get closer.  If you need the W-9 again it is posted under the secretary tab.

THANK YOU!!! Hope everyone's year is off to a great start!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 20, 2016
Parkview High School, Springfield MO

8:30 – 9:00   Breakfast and Perusal of JW Pepper display
9:00 - 9:15    Palen Music Center (Eric Matzat) & Introduction of Keynote Speaker
9:15 - 10:20     Keynote Speaker:   Jeff Melsha, President of MMEA
10:20 -10:30    Break
10:30 – 11:30   Workshops:
  Band:  “Everyone Loves a Parade, but do you?”      Presented by Keith Ruether
  HS Choir: District Choir Reading Session     Presented by Amy Jameson and Vickie Wisdom
  JH/Elem  Choir: District Choir Reading Session Presented by Alicia Campbell and Tricia Zinecker
Sponsored by Hoover Music Center

11:30                     Lunch:  Sponsored by Palen Music Center
11:45                    Business meeting: All officers will present a report.
Please visit the JW Pepper display for your music needs.

CLICK on this link to register that you will be there so that we can plan accordingly for food.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

WELCOME BACK 2016-2017 

SCMMEA SUMMER MEETING will be Saturday August 20, 2016
Parkivew High School Cafeteria
Details will be posted soon.

HS Honor Choir - Auditions: September 17, 2016 @ Kickapoo HS
                             Rehearsals: TBA
                             Rehearsal/Concert: November 5, 2016 @ SBU

HS Honor Bands - Auditions: November 1, 2016 @ Marshfield
                              Rehearsal: January 7, 2017 @ Parkview HS
                              Rehearsal/Concert: January 14, 2017 @ SBU Bolivar

Jr. High Honor Choir - February 18, 2017 @ SBU

Elementary Honor Choir - February 18, 2017 @ SBU

Jr. High Honor Band - November 12, 2016 @ Marshfield HS

HS Jazz Band - Auditions: November 1, 2016 @ Marshfield
                         Rehearsal: February 17, 2017 @ Parkview HS
                         Concert: February 18, 2017 @ Springfield Art Museum

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Festivals in the SCMMEA...

If you have a festival that you would like to post info about please contact me and I will put a link to your festival information on this post.

Saturday March 12, 2016   Marshfield Music Festival  
contact Lori Hutton for Registration. Deadline is Feb 17, 2016

Saturday April 2, 2016    West Plains Music Festival 


Schedule Info Document

For more information please contact Alicia Campbell,

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Good Technology Resource

This is a great resource with live links that we got at Midwest.  We were just talking about technology with some directors and thought this would help.  Enjoy.


Friday, January 8, 2016


Today is the last day to pre-register for MMEA 2016.
Save your time and frustration in the GIANT LINE by registering on the MMEA website.  This is also the year that we vote for officers so please do that as well.

Read all boxes on MMEA website to navigate the registration process.  For retired members you do NOT have to log in to register.

As a reminder, your deadline of entering students is approaching and will be here sooner than we know it!  In November, I sent out the Google form for you to enter your students (names and sizes later).  January 8 the deadline for your registration.  It will tell us several bits of information:
1) How many students you are bringing.  This number guides so many of our decisions and needs to be finalized by then. 

2) How much money you owe:  What I mean to say is, by January 8, you are committing to that amount and that number.  If you are unable to bring all of your students REPLACE THEM.  If you do not bring them, we cannot refund their amounts unless we are notified PRIOR to the January 8 deadline. 

That's right--once January 8 sails away, you are responsible for that amount and for that number of students.  

After January 8, Ian and I will quickly send out something to collect sizes.  I  do not mean to put the rush on you but it will have to be a quick turn around so we can have Larry print the shirts.  If I may offer a suggestion, please collect your sizes ASAP of the students you have.  That way, when the form comes, you don't have to wait on them.

Another reminder--your total includes t-shirt, lunch, and registration fee. You are not able to opt out of any of those fees as it is assigned to each participating member. 

*The rehearsal tracks will be coming to you this weekend.  I'll send the link to dropbox as soon as they are available.

*I've had a few of you ask me if you can bring extra boys and after talking over it with Ian we've decided that there isn't any need.  We'd like you to stick to the formula and not bring any extra kids.  We're trying to keep things consistent for all schools and allowing some schools to bring more guys just to have more guys doesn't seem quite fair.

Here is the link for registration


District Band Rehearsal for 1/9/2016 Cancelled

DISTRICT BAND REHEARSALS for January 9, 2016 have been CANCELLED.

With the snow moving in early tomorrow morning and the amount of snow predicted in certain parts of our district, we are going to cancel the District Band rehearsal for tomorrow.  Safety of transporting students is a very high priority and I think we should be more safe than sorry. 

Please work with your students on their music for next weekend. Double check to see if they need anything special, i.e. mutes, etc.  Have them listen to the tunes on JWPepper, etc.  Please help them be prepared for next Saturday.  They will really enjoy both Dr. Jones and Mr. Mathews.  

I will send out one more email next week with a reminder about the rehearsal/concert.
Thank you to everyone who was willing to volunteer with rehearsal tunes/sectionals this weekend.  
Have a great snow weekend!⛄

Lori Hutton