Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Click on the link below and submit your entries. After receiving your submission, Lauren Wilson will send you an Excel spreadsheet with your entries so you can add or delete entries and double check name spelling. You can use the "Comments" box on that spreadsheet for any necessary comments of course, but FOR SURE use it to give us the names of students who are trying out on multiple instruments!!!! That will make things go smoother the night of auditions! Thanks! 
Here's the link:

Or click on the tab for HS District Band Entries on the Home Page.

The entry fee is $10 per audition and is due on or before November 1, 2016.  Please make checks payable to "SCMMEA" or bring cash.   You will also need to include $10 per school for the Ernie Pratt Scholarship. This will be awarded to a senior District Band member the night of the concert.  Nominations for the John East Mentor Award will be done at a later time.  An email will be sent regarding the new nomination process.  
District Band Auditions are November 1st, at Marshfield Jr. High School. Deadline for submitting entries is October 28th.. After this time, you can delete, but you cannot add students for audition. Deadline for deletions is midnight, October 31st. After that time, you will be charged for the number of students entered regardless of how many show up to auditions. You will receive an email with an invoice form to fill out and turn into your school district's bookkeeper.
After you submit your entries, you will receive an Excel spreadsheet you can edit to correct spellings, add and delete students. Keep in mind that the name spellings on the entry submission form are the spellings that will go in the printed concert program.