Friday, January 31, 2014

Weather Cancellation

Due to possible inclement weather, the SCMMEA administration has made an executive decision to postpone the SCMMEA 5/6 & 7/8 District Honor Choir event scheduled for Saturday, February 1, 2014.  This decision was made after much thought.  Several schools have already indicated that they would not be in attendance due to their administration making the decision that they would not be allowed to travel with the possibility of slick roads.  While I understand Missouri weather may miss us completely, the SCMMEA administration feels this is in the best interest of all involved.  

Please respond confirming you have received this message.  

Thank you for your support.  We will be rescheduling the event. Please look at your calendars for potential dates.      

Morgan Harp
Spokane MS/HS
Vocal Music Director/A+ Coordinator

Saturday, January 18, 2014

COnference Update

Greeting SCMMEA,

This is just a reminder about our upcoming business meeting at the MMEA Conference next week.  Our district meeting will be held in Room 61 on Saturday, January 25th at 7:45 am.  There will be reports from all areas on events for our district, and the newly elected board of directors will be introduced as well.  

Don’t forget to show your support of our colleagues from the South Central District by attending their performances at this year’s conference.  They and their students are going to represent our district well!

Bradleyville High School Band, Chris Sprague
Ozark Junior High School Girls Choir, Alicia McGerorge Campbell
Central High School Chamber Choir, Alberta Smith
The Drury Singers, Allin Sorenson
Boswell Elementary Singers, Ian Tapson
Missouri State University Symphony orchestra, Dr. Quebbeman
SBU Wind Symphony, Dr. Hopwood

I hope you are doing well, and I look forward to seeing you at the MMEA Conference.

Rocky Long