Thursday, November 7, 2013


A new directory has been added above for FREE MUSIC.  If you have warm-ups, cadences or other music you would like to share with the SCMMEA community, feel free to email your creations in PDF format to  Include the director's name and school.  

Free PDF converter: CUTE PDF

Click free download and install two files.  Print directly to PDF.  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

District Choir Results

Please see attached for 11/12 District Choir lists. Thanks for your patience with the list. That extra time allowed me to feel confident in the accuracy of the selected students, and in the quality of the choir that resulted. 

There is a separate tab for each voice part. 

Top 25 students are in bold.

Cut off scores out of 99 points possible:

Soprano - 57

Alto - 55

Tenor - 56

Bass - 59

Thank you for a smooth and successful audition day. Your students represented your programs well in both musicianship and citizenship. Congratulations to all who participated, and we'll see you in October!


The Freshman/Sophomore list is attachted.  Scores are not included, and they are in alphabetical order by school.

Cut offs out of 58 points:

Soprano - 54

Alto - 52

Tenor - 38

Bass - 40

Stay tuned for 11-12 scores.

Please do not reply asking.

It's been a long day.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Jr. High Honor Band

Hello Everyone, 

The deadline for nominations for Jr. High Honor Band is October 4th (two weeks away)  :)  The website: has been updated with an online entry form.  Just go to then click on Jr. Band VP, then look for the entry form link.  If there are new people in our district, or your conference, and you see that they are not on my email list, please help with with getting me their name and school.   I can find the rest.  

Our clinicians for this year are: Amanda Meyer 7th grade and Tom Meyer 8th grade.  As soon as they pick music I will get that to you, but it will definitely be in your hands by the High School Honor band audition date.  (11/5/13)   I will ask Steve to post a schedule, and Marshfield Jr. High directions to the website.  

If you have any questions please feel free to email me or call me.  (E-mail may be faster) 

Rick Castens

November 16, 2013
Marshfield J.H. School
  Arrive:                          7:30-7:45 AM
                                    Register and pay $10.00 fee per student.
                                    (Checks/PO's made out to SCMMEA. Cash accepted also.)
 Report to audition rooms:
There will be room info and a map at the registration table.
Chair Placement/Sectionals                8:00-8:50    
Rehearsal                                             9:00 - Noon               
Lunch                                       Noon - 1:15     (On your own)
Rehearsal                                             1:30 - 3:30
Concert                                                4:30 PM
                                    You will change clothes between end of rehearsal and concert.
                                    Bring nice clothes to change into.
Clinicians                    Amanda Meyer - 7th grade
Tom Meyer  - 8th grade
Dinner                         After the concert:  on your own, on your way home, after you get home.
This year's concert is at 4:30 at Marshfield Junior High School. The 2 District Bands plus the HS District Jazz Band will perform at this concert. 
If any of your students cannot participate, just replace that person with a suitable replacement from your own band.  Only replace with like instruments.  If you don't have a suitable replacement, please email me ASAP. 


When auditioning for Jr. High Honor band Chair placement the process needs to be short and simple.  The idea is to finish quickly and have sectionals with the rest of the time. 
Please only use these scales with 7th Grade:  Concert Bb for all winds except horns they will use Eb
Please only use these scales with 8th grade: Concert Eb for all winds except horns they will use Bb
Please break ties with tone quality or Sight Reading there is no need for additional scales. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Update Leon Bradley

Leon Bradley (former C of O Band Director, retired) is currently in Select Specialty Hospital (1630 E Primrose St  Springfield, MO 65804  (417) 885-4700) in their ICU. I went to visit him today and he looked the best I've seen him in quite awhile. Because of his trach, he is unable to talk but is alert and communicates by mouthing words.He anticipates getting moved out of the ICU soon. I even got him to laugh (the best he could) a couple of times, and the light is back in his eyes. 
He still has quite a long recovery ahead, but things are certainly looking up. I'm sure he would enjoy hearing from his friends. Please continue to keep him and Mary Elizabeth in your thoughts and prayers.


Cathy Coonis, Seymour H.S.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Marshfield Junior high Music Festival - Saturday, March 8, 2014

Marshfield Junior High Music Festival will be Saturday, March 8, 2014. This festival is for JH/Middle School instrumental music students. We extend the invitation for bands and solos/ensembles, as well as piano solos, strings and  piano studios.  For more information, please contact Lori Hutton or call 417.859.2120  ext 2221


Vote for Claud T. Smith! Missouri House of Representatives - Hall of Famous Musicians

Help us get behind Claude T. Smith. Please blast out an email to our membership to encourage their support.  By going to the website listed below we can all get Claude's name in the running to be inducted into "The Hall of Famous Missourians."  This is the first step. The website will give the details.

John Cheary

Sunday, August 25, 2013

SCMMEA / MMEA Comprehensive Report 20 August, 2013

SCMMEA/MMEA Comprehensive Report 20 AUGUST, 2013.pdf

MMEA - Constitution-Bylaws Revision Proposal - 2013p.doc

Tri-M Choral Festival

Our Strafford Tri-M Choral Festival will be April 3-4.

The Strafford Tri-M Band Festival  will be April 24-26.

The festivals are for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Choirs and Bands. Bands and choirs will receive ratings and comments from judges. Choirs will have a clinic with a judge. Trophies will be awarded!

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, August 23, 2013

Victor Wooten Ted Talk

Most of you know who Victor Wooten is.  We used this video in our beginning band class today.  I was impressed by his message (  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Two New Additions

Notice two new menu items listed above:

1) Director Information Form

2) MS District Entry Form

All directors should visit the information form, and add yourself to the contact sheet.  


Also, don't forget the upcoming Director's meeting.  Details are on the calendar to the right. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

West Plains Festival - April 5th, 2013

Just wanted to give you information on our festival we host here at West Plains.  It is on the first Saturday of April each year.  This year the date is Saturday, April 5, 2014.  If you want more information please visit our website at and select the festival link.  If you are considering attending this year I would appreciate it if you could email me so I can begin making my judging list according.


Rocky Long
Band Director
West Plains R-VII Schools
602 East Olden St.
West Plains, MO 65775

Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Meeting

The annual summer meeting will be held August 24th at Parkview High School in Springfield, Mo.  Meeting starts at 9:00am with registration before.  

Here is a PDF Map to Parkview High School:  MAP

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

SCMMEA Board Meeting

From Rocky Long

I have heard from a majority of the board, and we will meet
 on Thursday, May 30th at 6:00 pm.  Lets do Houlihan's on Republic Road like last year.  Please bring all your information on clinicians, clinic dates, etc…

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Under Reconstruction

The former SCMMEA website was somehow deleted.  We will be parking the domain here for time being while I produce a new page.  Email me if you have questions or additions that need to be added immediately.   The calendar on the right will come to life when events are added.  Currently, there are no May events listed.

superiored @ Gmail